Reports until 22:57, Thursday 12 March 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:57, Thursday 12 March 2015 (17244)
some work to make alingment easier

Sheila, Stefan, Chris, 

Today we did several things that should make operating the IFO a littel easier, both for commisioners and operators.  Stefan rearranged the feedback topology of the green wfs, so that ETMs get the signal from DOF1 (which is a WFS signal) (output matrix shown in screen shot).  Previously we had the ETMs getting only the camera signal, so the other WFS needed to be on to use this loop.  This is better because we believe the ETMs drift more than the ITMs, and we want to avoid moving the ITMs between locklosses so that we don't mess up the corner alingment.  This is now implemented as the states which have ETM WFS in the ALS arm guardians, and the ISC_LOCK guardian requests these states.  This prevents the constant need for commisioners to touch up ETM alingments after locklosses.  The guardian should turn these WFS off before the 

Chris also wrote a new wfs offload functio today, which is in ISC_library and called smooth offload.  Its used in the ISC_DOF now, but there shouldn't be much of a change in the procedure for users due to these changes.  I moved the integrators for the INP1 +INP2 loops into the suspensions ( IM4 was missing one) so that this will work.  I've also deleted some of that states that we no longer use from this guardian to reduce confusion a little bit. I've also added a a state in the ALS ARM guardians that offloads the WFS using this function, this works and can be used durring the inital alingment sequence.  

This smooth_offload will help us to offload the DRMi WFS as well, but I haven't tested this yet.  I commited the guardians before starting these changes.

Hopefully tomorow we will make a few more changes to make it easier for operators to do inital alingment, so stay tuned for some updated instructions.  For now the main change is that we can offlaod green wfs using the ALS arm guardians.