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Reports until 20:19, Monday 14 November 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:19, Monday 14 November 2011 (1725)
ITMy monolithic work
After the weekend, we thought it prudent to recheck the pointing on the triple monolithic suspension.  Nothing was adjusted over the weekend, so it was a good chance to look for drift, slip, settling, etc if there was any.  In fact, the pointing were effectively unchanged (compare to my Fri alog entry).  From Jason regarding this initial Monday morning measurement:

UIM: ~5.217 mrad up    
PUM: ~4.457 mrad up
ITM: ~5.835 mrad up

One comment on the UIM pitch measurement: this is being done with an optical level with 115mm between the front and back points on the UIM.  The smallest increment I can measure on the scale used for the measurement is 0.1mm.  Therefore the smallest angle that can be measured with this method is arcsin(.1/115) = 0.870 mrad.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.