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Reports until 14:30, Thursday 12 March 2015
H1 General (CDS, DetChar, SUS)
ryan.fisher@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:30, Thursday 12 March 2015 - last comment - 19:48, Friday 13 March 2015(17224)
ODC Work Wednesday and Thursday Morning
Ryan F., TJ Massinger, Stefan

We edited the following models in the local copy of userapps without committing them.  We tested that all of these compiled successfully (and emailed CDS about some RCG bugs found when using GoTo and From parts in the models).  Screenshots demonstrating the changes are attached.  

We added a proper ODC channel (mostly still placeholders with no inputs or logic) for the following models to replace the current placeholders:
  these last two require the changes to sys/common/models/ODC_MASTER_PARTS_V2.mdl

We also edited the h1omc model that was installed Tuesday to add checks on DCPD_A,B and PZT2_MON_AC error signals.
  requires changes to omc/common/models/omc.mdl

All of these models should be ready to be make-installed, restarted and committed to the SVN during the next maintenance period.

We also edited PSL_STATUS.adl locally to fix a white box (changed H1:PSL-ODC_CHANNEL_OUTPUT to H1:PSL-ODC_CHANNEL_OUTMON)

We created a new MEDM screen for ASC_ODC.adl and fixed some errors in the LSC_ODC.adl created by Duncan M.  These screens are not yet linked to any other MEDM screens.

We also committed a new safe.snap file for h1odcmaster.
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Comments related to this report
ryan.fisher@LIGO.ORG - 19:48, Friday 13 March 2015 (17261)DetChar, IOO
I made some additional changes to the staged OMC changes:  These affect omc.mdl and omclsc.mdl.  The changes add EPICs outputs to display intermediate steps in the ODC_SUBSTATE calculations.  The added outputs are shown in the attached screenshots.  These changes have not been committed to SVN, but the h1omc.mdl model has been tested to successfully compile.  
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