Reports until 20:37, Friday 13 March 2015
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:37, Friday 13 March 2015 (17262)
H1 CAL CS Changed to include a GAMMA Switch
J. Kissel

After we got back to low-noise RF spectrum, we noticed our wall template displaying H1:CAL-DELTAL_EXTERNAL_DQ was not showing anything. We quickly realized that the recently implemented but still uncommissioned optical gain correction factor, GAMMA was dividing the sensing term in the calibration process by 0.0. This has been happening since Tuesday (LHO aLOG 17179), but we haven't noticed because we haven't put any low-noise points on the board. After the first low-noise lock broke, I quickly added a switch to the CAL-CS library part that passes a 1.0 into the sensing normalization of the switch is OFF. 

Of course, this required a model recompile, reinstall, restart, and a DAQ restart because I added one EPICs channel. Apologies for bypassing the work permit process, and rebooting front end models on a Friday evening, but I figured having a well-calibrated DARM spectrum during low-noise operation was more important.

We're now back in low-noise, and all is well calibrated again. 

We'll commission the optical gain compensation soon...

I've committed the updated CAL_CS_MASTER.mdl library part to the userapps repo.
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