Reports until 03:15, Saturday 14 March 2015
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 03:15, Saturday 14 March 2015 (17268)
OMC locking fully automated

In our many locks and relocks tonight we have worked out the bugs in the OMC guardian's locking sequence.  This process has succeeded several times now and is integrated with the overall ISC_LOCK guardian.

The steps taken by the guardian are the following:

The whole thing takes about two minutes.  There are ways to make it faster (Stefan suggested locking on a sideband earlier in the acquisition process and jumping to the carrier later on) and more robust (applying some more intelligent peak-finding will be necessary once we go to higher power), but for the near future this seems like a good, hands-free solution.

There's one failure mode which is likely to be encountered not infrequently: if the ETM roll mode is run up (or other modes, but that one is the most problematic) then the DCPDs will saturate and the OMC won't lock.  In this case the guardian will fail to read READY_FOR_HANDOFF and the ISC_LOCK guardian will not transition to DC readout.  If this happens you can damp the mode and then rerun the OMC guardian to get to low noise.

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