Reports until 10:09, Tuesday 15 November 2011
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:09, Tuesday 15 November 2011 (1727)
H2 SUS FMY (Suspended Bits) Ready for Cartridge Install
J. Kissel, J. Garcia, R. Quitzo-James, T. Sadeki

After looking deeper into the source of the 0.65 Hz L weirdness seen in 111108's set of H2SUSFMY transfer functions, we narrowed it down to the area around F3 as the cause of the wierdness by looking at the L to F2F3 transfer function which shows the resonance only in the L to F3 transfer function (where we would expect both L to F2 and L to F3 tranfer functions to be identical).

As expected, when Travis when into take a look this morning, he found that the F3 OSEM sensor/coil was cocked to one side, leaving the flag uncomfortably close to rubbing with the sensor head. Sure enough, after he re-centered the F3 OSEM with respect to the flag, we quickly remeasured the L response on the floor, and the resonance disappeared.

I've since taken a full suite of DTT measurements, and I attach the results. The first attachment gives the big picture since Phase 1 measurements in the assembly area, where BLACK shows the Phase 1 blessed TF, ORANGE shows the confusing results from 111108, with the weird 0.65 Hz L resonance, and the (unresolved? lossy?) low frequency pitch modes, and MAGENTA shows today results. The second attachment shows todays results alone, with all of the usual comparisons of cross-coupling and OSEM-basis decompositions. 

Dare I say that today's result look even better than the Phase 1 measurements in the assembly area?


This means that H2 SUS FMY's "must have before cartridge install" list is almost entirely complete:

- Damping loop functionality confirmed (DONE)
- BSC-ISI + FMY watchdog functionality confirmed (DONE)
- Top2Top M1 transfer functions that match best data for this BSFM, after fully assembled, aligned, and cabled (DONE, as of today's measurement)
- Vibration absorber measurements confirming functionality and goodness (Some data taken, may need to be retaken, if not at least analyzed)
- All M2 (Middle stage) OSEMs aligned, set at mid-range, and sensors confirmed functional by CDS readout (DONE)

and we can move on (in our spare time between ITMY and ETMY) we can take some "exploratory" measurements. However, as mentioned in the title, the vibration absorbers are independent of the suspended portion of the suspension, and we can consider H2 SUS FMY cleared for cartridge install.

Note on hardware -- we still also to install the stray-light-control elliptical baffle to cover the M3 face of the dummy optic.


or coalesced in

Analysis Scripts

SusSVN/sus/trunk/BSFM/Common/MatlabTools/plotallbsfm_tfs.m (first attachment)
SusSVN/sus/trunk/BSFM/Common/MatlabTools/plotBSFM_dtttfs.m (second attachment)

Non-image files attached to this report