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Reports until 16:24, Saturday 14 March 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:24, Saturday 14 March 2015 (17272)
gusts up to 50 mph

Today we have high winds again.  At 22:24 UTC I've switched the ALS arm requests to LOCKED_NO_SLOW_NO_WFS.  This means H1:ALS-REFL_CNTRL_OUT_DQ will be a measure of the arm length fluctuations (in um), contaminated by the coupling of angle to the length sensor which is due to the high transmission of the ETMs.  The locks are only lasting at most 30 seconds.  We've have both end station ISIs with 45 mHz blends along the beam direction.  

Blends along the beam direction were switched to 90 mHz at 22:37 UTC. 

At 23:23 UTC I switched the end X sensor correction to use the BRS, and turned off beam direction sensor correction in End Y. 

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.