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Reports until 09:05, Tuesday 15 November 2011
LHO General
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:05, Tuesday 15 November 2011 (1729)
Analysis of 2011-11-14 Dust Monitors 3, 4, &11
Attached are the trend plots for the three dust cameras 3, 4, & 11.  Dust Monitor 3 and 4 were located in the clean room over the ISI/Quad Test stand. Dust Monitor 11 was located between the aforementioned clean room and the clean room over HAM 12 where ICC were using drills throughout the day.  The plots are intended to look for any high dust counts that could connect monitor 11 to 3 and 4.  This would indicate the effectiveness of the anti-contamination mechanisms which are put in place to prevent particles from affecting the ITM, such as the HEPA filters over the ISI and the filter on the various drills which are used for ICC.

Note: 11 seemed to be malfunctioning at approximately 22:30 or so but was fixed about an hour later by Patrick T. Also, the ICC team did not use drills today so it's interesting to see what exactly could cause high particle counts throughout the day as well as compare the graphs to the 11/10/2011 graphs to see if the maximum counts were higher with the drills.  It's also good to know that the crane and the forklift were used throughout the day near the two clean rooms.

The biggest spike of the day near the Test stand occurred around 22:00 and at the same time 11 also had a pretty big spike and so it begs the question to see whether or not they are related.  It'd be good to see if anyone could recall what they were doing around that time so that we can pinpoint what could cause this spike in dust counts.  I was told by the SUS team that movement around the monitors could have caused this spike but it's interesting that around that time there was a big spike outside of the clean room as well.
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