Reports until 17:18, Tuesday 15 November 2011
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:18, Tuesday 15 November 2011 (1732)
Labeling the Ring Heater cables
Thomas Vo
Greg Grabeel

Using our patent pending prison-tat technology Thomas and I gave street cred to the cables for Ring Heater assembly #3. The new ink includes:

   - D1001518-v6, SN-3, Junction 1
   - D1001519-v5, SN-3, Junction 4
   - D1001520-v4, SN-3, Junction 7
   - D1001520-v4, SN-3, Junction 8
   - D1001520-v4, SN-3, Junction 9
   - D1001521-v5, SN-3, Junction 10
   - D1001521-v5, SN-3, Junction 11
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