Reports until 03:22, Saturday 21 March 2015
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 03:22, Saturday 21 March 2015 (17373)
flickers in OMC TRANS

Kiwamu, Dan

For a while now the OMC transmitted light has been flickering with an amplitude of ~20% of the full light level; this makes it look like the OMC is about to lose lock and generally puts everyone on edge.  The first image is a ten second trend of OMC-DCPD_SUM to give a sense of the size of the excursions.

The RIN is dominated by a broad plateau from 1-4Hz with an ampltiude of about 0.01 RIN / rt{Hz}. see the second plot attached.  Tonight we made some studies of this noise to pin down the source:

One thing to do is run BRUCO and see what turns up in the 1-4Hz band.

Images attached to this report