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Reports until 13:01, Tuesday 24 February 2015
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:01, Tuesday 24 February 2015 - last comment - 10:34, Monday 23 March 2015(16886)
Roll-out of independent switching of BSFM M2 stage coil driver states (WP#5070) - ECR E1500045
[Stuart A, Jeff K]

As was recently carried-out at LLO (see LLO aLOG entry 16663), during this mornings maintenance period I was able to roll-out independent switching of BSFM M2 stage coil driver BIO filter states, as outlined in ECR E1500045. Hopefully, this should provide commissioners with the capability to smoothly (without breaking lock) transition from acquisition to the low-noise state coil driver, just for the Beamsplitter M2 stage, which was problematic at LLO.

This was implemented as follows:

(1) Svn'd up the common library parts:
U       BSFM_MASTER.mdl 

(2) Svn'd up the common MEDM screens:

(3) Rebuilt, installed and restarted the h1susbs model without incident.

(4) Noticed some white boxes on EUL2OSEM Ramping Matrix MEDM screen, which were site specific to L1, so I fixed these with a $(IFO) substitution and re-committed SUS_CUST_BSFM_M2_EUL2OSEM.adl to the svn.

(5) 4 new EPICS channels are present for the M2 BIO states, as well as an additional 4 for the test coil enable, all which need to be configured:
- All coil enables were set to 1, and the BSFM M2 BIO state was set to the 'default' of 1, as I was informed by Jeff K was being used by commissioners n.b. LLO 'default' acquisition is BIO state 2, and low-noise is BIO state 3 (see LLO aLOG entry 16565). 

Screen-shots below show an example use case for the EUL2OSEM Ramping Matrix. with green indicating a nominal state i.e. set values and current value are equal, red when a new value has been set, and yellow after activating the LOAD MATRIX ramping in over the required duration.   

Finally, I took a new safe SDF snapshot using the same front-end technique I use at LLO:

- Transition the Suspension to a SAFE state via Guardian
- On the SDF_RESTORE MEDM screen available via the Suspension GDS_TP screen select FILE TYPE as "EPICS DB AS SDF" & FILE OPTIONS as "OVERWRITE" then click "SDF SAVE FILE" button to push a SDF snap shot to the target area (which is soft-linked to userapps).
- This safe SDF snapshot was then checked into the userapps svn:
M        h1susbs_safe.snap

This should close ECR E1500045 and Integration Issue #1003 for LHO.
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Comments related to this report
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 14:26, Tuesday 24 February 2015 (16890)ISC
LLO scripts for transitioning the BSFM M2 coil driver from acquisition (BIO state 2) to low-noise (BIO state 3) once IFO RF LOCK is archived have been checked into the repo and svn'd up here at LHO:
A        bs_m2_switch.sh
A        bs_m2_out_normal.snap
A        bs_m2_out_ll.snap
A        bs_m2_out_lr.snap
A        bs_m2_out_ul.snap
A        bs_m2_out_ur.snap

The above script applies a BURT snapshot to the BSFM M2 EUL2OSEM Ramping Matrix zeroing a quadrant/channel at a time using the other 3 to actuate while it's state is transitioned. Once transitioned the script moves on to the next quadrant, until all 4 are complete.

This functionality should be incorporated into a Guardian transition state.
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 10:34, Monday 23 March 2015 (17394)

I copied this scripts and the burt files into userapps/release/isc/h1/scripts/sus, replaced L1 with H1 throughout, and committed them to the SVN.

The script seems to work fine in terms of writing the right values to the right channels. We haven’t tried it yet with the interferometer locked.

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