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Reports until 17:17, Wednesday 16 November 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:17, Wednesday 16 November 2011 - last comment - 09:34, Thursday 17 November 2011(1741)
ITMy monolithic work
After a few rounds of hanging the monolithic in the triple hang tooling and adjusting weight at the UIM, it was decided that we install just the single chain to the full QUAD and see how it hangs.  Motivation for attaching only a single chain at a time is not the baseline plan, however we have greater room to maneuver by just doing one chain at a time which was agreeable to us given the risk of having to do more gross mass adjustments over the monolithic.  We started with the reaction chain since we had the same questions with pointing tolerances with that chain on the triple hang tooling as well.  With the full reaction chain hanging on the ISI, we corrected a pitch on the PenRe (observed in a double hang) and then observed a ~2mRad pitch error on the ITMy in the full QUAD hang.  This is in the range of adjustment at the top stage so we stopped to again remove that chain and install the main chain.  Currently, the main chain (monolithic) is suspended in a triple and Jason is taking pitch readings.  We observed a large pitch error at the top mass so we will need to adjust that in the morning under the full hang (course pitch adjusters on the top mass).
Comments related to this report
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - 09:34, Thursday 17 November 2011 (1747)

Measured the triple hang PUM and ITM pitch after letting it settle overnight (was swinging to much yesterday evening to get accurate numbers):

    PUM: ~1.314 mrad down
    ITM: ~1.096 mrad up
    Differential: ~2.410 mrad

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