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Reports until 09:24, Thursday 17 November 2011
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:24, Thursday 17 November 2011 (1744)
h2ldasgw0 computer swap out

Wed 11am - noon. Dave and Dan.

As part of the investigation to the QFS problem with h2ldasgw0 which causes h2fw0 to periodically crash, Dan and I swapped out the computer for h2ldasgw0 (Sun X4270). We moved the two hard drives and two FC cards from the original X4270 into the spare unit. The FC cards were installed on separate pci-e risers.

We observed no QFS errors on reboot (which was always happening with the old computer). Unfortunately at 02:24 this morning h2fw0 crashed again. I cannot find any QFS error logs for this time on the gateway. So we'll keep the investigation going.

[Thu Nov 17 02:24:13 2011] main profiler warning: 0 empty blocks in the buffer
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