Reports until 07:53, Friday 18 November 2011
richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:53, Friday 18 November 2011 (1755)
H2 aLIGO PSL Frequency Stabilization Servo functioning and meeting design specifications
B. Willke, P. Schwinberg, R. Savage

Yesterday, after cabling issues were sorted out, we gave the TTFSS (Table-top Frequency Stabilization Servo) a try.

Once we got the FAST/PC signs adjusted, we were able to lock the loop and turn the gain up such that we achieved the desired UGF of about 525 kHz with about 52 deg of phase margin and more than 20 dB of gain at 100 kHz (see attached plots).  Note that the UGF is at -10 dB.

This servo had been fabricated and tested in 2004, and with Paul there (yes, suited up in the Laser Room - see attached photo), it was more than a bit of deja vu).

This was a milestone Benno had hoped to achieved before he leaves.  Now that we know this part works, he might even get some sleep on his flight back to Germany today.
Images attached to this report