Reports until 22:51, Friday 18 November 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:51, Friday 18 November 2011 (1764)
ITMy Monolithic status
This morning, we reapplied First Contact to the ITMyAR in order to pick off a smudge left behind from the sheet of FC pulled yesterday.  In fact, this smudge was apparently removed via this second application and removal, but 2 new ones were left behind.  These were further from the center than the first, closer to 2-3 inches in from the edge.  Since we had not pulled the sheet completely, we just pulled it back up and spot treated over the problem areas with more FC.  Then we waited for these to dry before pulling the sheet completely.  There was still a bit of residue left in a line at the edge of the sheet in numerous places along the circle.  It took numerous acetone swipes to remove them.

After watching the paint dry for most of the day we finally got the ITMy AR clean enough to proceed with mounting the reaction chain.  By COB, we had it mounted, lower cables laced and clamped, and a first round of suspending complete.  Because the main chain was clamped in likely a subpar alignment during this, we noted that a bump stop was touching between the chains.  We will hang the main and the reaction together tomorrow to diagnose the reason to for the touch and continue with reaction chain pitch alignment.