Reports until 20:59, Monday 21 November 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:59, Monday 21 November 2011 - last comment - 09:12, Tuesday 22 November 2011(1778)
ITMy monolithic status
Jason was able to get a reading of the CP font surface and found it to be hanging at ~400 uRAD (  nice eyechrometry adjustment, Travis).  After a recalibration ofthe IAS table monument post,Jason then determined that themain chain was hanging only0.5mm off of the height nominal (recall 1. 6mm was measured a few weeks ago but is nowthought to have been with a mis-calibrated rod. The reactionchain is still hanging ~3 mm too low as observed by eye.  Likely, this is due mainly due to the addition of the lacing cable mass, and possibly some discrepancy between the metal CP dummy mass weight and the actual glass CP weight.  After stewing on the idea of having to add more shims to the top stage blade tips (drop hazard above the monolithic) and the realignment of the top BOSEMs which would result, Brett suggested a much easier fix.  So we are considering removing the weight from the PenRe and then readjusting pitch at that stage due to the assymetric mass drop (mass will be removed from the AR surface of the mass only, so the balast mass will need to be adjusted to counter this).
Comments related to this report
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - 09:12, Tuesday 22 November 2011 (1781)

I was able to use the optical level to sight the bottom edge of both the ITM and CP and take a scale reading of each to measure the difference between the ITM height and CP height.  Doing this I measured the CP as sitting ~2.1mm below the ITM.  With the ITM sitting approximately 0.5mm above the desired vertical position this puts the CP ~1.6mm below the desired vertical postition.  I would like to take this measurement again, this time with someone garbed up in the clean room.  This is because the bottom edges of the optics are hard to distinguish from each other using the optical level (specifically, it's hard to see the bottom surface of the ITM), so I could get a measurement that I'm more willing to trust with someone in the clean room to help distinguish the CP from the ITM.