Reports until 17:12, Wednesday 23 November 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:12, Wednesday 23 November 2011 (1788)
ITMy Monolithic Status
Removed 200g from left and 50g from right on back of PenRe in order to bring reaction chain up to height of main chain.  Looks good by eye now.  Realigned all R0 BOSEMs.  PenRe AOSEMs still need alignment.
Adjusted top mass pitch to see if pitch TF cleaned up.  It didn't.  Put it roughly back.
Added UIM flags which resulted in an hour long headache of trying to get a trapped set screw out of the new UIM flag mounts.  (Will need to adjust assembly procedure to only use one of the 2 available on each flag, and unfortunately it's not the same one in each case due to assymetry of the mount part.)  The UIM BOSEMs are not yet aligned to the flags, but the weight is there.
Due to the mucking around of pitch on both chains, Jason remeasured the angles and found that the ITMy was at 2.45mRAD up, and the CP was at 1.67mRAD down.  Since it was at the UIM that flags were added causing the midpitch, I rolled the UIM pitch adjusters out (toward the HR) by 1 turn each.  Jason then measured the ITMy pitch to be 2.09 mRad up.

Will resume after Thanksgiving.