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Reports until 04:30, Friday 17 April 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:30, Friday 17 April 2015 - last comment - 04:44, Friday 17 April 2015(17921)
violin mode damping, recycling gain, noise in the bucket

Sheila, Evan, Koji

Comments related to this report
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 04:44, Friday 17 April 2015 (17922)SUS

I believe the 1009.62 Hz mode is on ETMY. It can be damped (slowly) using FM6+FM7+FM9 in the MODE1 filter module on L2, with a gain of -200. Some care is needed here because there is another mode on ETMY at 1009.48 Hz. If necessary, this can be damped using FM4+FM6 in the MODE3 filter module, with a gain of +100.

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