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Reports until 11:24, Tuesday 21 April 2015
H1 TCS (DetChar, PEM, TCS)
andrew.lundgren@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:24, Tuesday 21 April 2015 - last comment - 03:53, Thursday 23 April 2015(17973)
Request to turn off HWS cameras in CS at a known time
Detchar would like to request that the HWS cameras in the center building be turned off for a few minutes at a known time. We're trying to track down some glitches in PEM and ISI sensors that happen every second, and Robert suspects the HWS. Just a few minutes with them off, and then on again, would be fine; we don't need the IFO to be in any particular state, as long as the ISIs are running fine. We would need the precise times (UTC or GPS preferred), as the channels that record the camera state don't seem trustworthy (alog).
Comments related to this report
eleanor.king@LIGO.ORG - 18:39, Tuesday 21 April 2015 (17995)

This afternoon I tunred all HWS off and I will leave them off all night (both of the corner station HWS were on prior to this).

andrew.lundgren@LIGO.ORG - 00:24, Wednesday 22 April 2015 (17997)DetChar, SUS, TCS
It seems like the HWS was in fact the culprit. The HWS was turned of at Apr 21 20:46:48 UTC, according to TCS-ITMX_HWS_DALSACAMERASWITCH. I checked the BLND_Z of the GS13s on BS and ITMX, and the table 2 PSL accelerometer. All three had glitches every second before the HWS was turned off. They all continued to glitch for 11 more seconds (until the end of the minute), and then all stopped at the exact same time.

Attached is a spectrogram of the ITMX GS13. It's hard to see the glitches in the PSL by spectrogram or even Omega scan, but they're very apparent in the Omicron triggers.
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joshua.smith@LIGO.ORG - 07:41, Wednesday 22 April 2015 (17998)DetChar, SEI

Here are three better spectrograms showing the transitioning off of the HWS and the loud once per second glitches going away in the ISI-*_ST2_BLND_Z_GS13_CUT_IN1 channels. These plots are made with https://ldvw.ligo.caltech.edu using 0.25 seconds per FFT and normalization turned on. Conclusions same as Andy's post above. 

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joshua.smith@LIGO.ORG - 08:45, Wednesday 22 April 2015 (18000)DetChar, SEI

David Shoemaker asked the good question, do these glitches even show up in DARM? Well, that's hard to say. There are once per second glitches that show up in the ISI channels, and once per second glitches that show up in DARM. We don't know if they have the same cause. Figures are: 1. DARM once per second glitches, 2,3, BS and ITMX, 4. overlay of all showing that the glitches in DARM are just slightly ahead in time (in this 0.25 sec/fft view, unless there is some sample-rate timing bias). 

In order to test whether they are both caused by the HWS it would be really useful if folks on site could turn the HWS on, then off, for a minute or so in each configuration during a low-noise lock and record the UTC times of those states. 

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 03:53, Thursday 23 April 2015 (18019)

We got to a low noise state which is not at as low noise as our best, with the spectrum about a factor of 10 worse at around 90 Hz than our best reference.  We were in low noise, HWS off from 10:42:30 UTC to 10:47:30 UTC, i turned the cameras on according to Elli's instructions and we left the cameras on from 10:48:20 UTC to 10:53:40.  

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