Reports until 18:12, Tuesday 29 November 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:12, Tuesday 29 November 2011 (1802)
ITMy monolithic work
Today, Travis moved 62g from the AR side of the UIM to the HR (which was already the heavy side of the mass) in order to free up more range on the pitch roll bar adjusters.  This did the trick and brought the pitch in to ~100uRAD.  We then moved on to aligning the UIM and PUM OSEM/flag pairs.  This was immediately problematic in that the signals of these 8 OSEMs looked strange.  Richard help us diagnose that the L1 (UIM) signals were connected to the L2 (PUM) MEDM and vice versa.  This was remedied via switching the 25pin 225 cable connections at the feedthru panel.  Unfortunately, there were more troubles with L2.  Dave discovered a DUO tone channel in the wrong place, and Garcia had some residual code changes to make.  This recovered 3 of the 4 L2 channels, but there was still one that looked fishy.  Garcia is investigating it more tonight.  I am crossing my fingers that it is not the quadra-puss cable on the QUAD.

I was able to align and set the 2 lower BOSEMs of the UIM to 50% OLV, but was running out of range on the uppers when the LVEA went laser safe and I quit for the night.  

More alignment be continued.