Reports until 21:34, Tuesday 29 November 2011
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:34, Tuesday 29 November 2011 (1804)
H2 ITMY Model Updated for L2 (PUM) Signal
Dave B., Richard M., Filiberto C., Jeff G.
The SUS H2 ITMY Simulink model h2susitmy.mdl was modified today to accommodate the L2 (UIM) AOSEM signals. On the h2susb478 machine, the first ADC card's "cardNum" is designated 0 (zero) in the Simulink model; the second ADC "cardNum" is 1 (one). The previous version of the h2susitmy model routed the ITMY PUM signals to the first ADC card on the h2susb478 machine. According to the latest BS, ITM, and FM Suspensions Controls Wiring (D1001725-v9), the PUM controls wiring should be routed to the second ADC card ("cardNum" = 1) on the h2susb478 machine.  The appropriate changes were made to h2susitmy.mdl to reroute the PUM signals to "cardNum=2".  The new version was compiled and make installed onto h2susb478.  

The signals were confirmed on the H2 ITMY PUM by medm readout.  The AOSEMs now can to be normalized and centered to the flags.