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Reports until 11:42, Friday 10 September 2010
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:42, Friday 10 September 2010 (181)
New front end code loaded on SUS QUAD
Mark requested that I get the latest qts.mdl file from the LLO
quad test stand and compile it at LHO. I saved the current 
file as archive/qts.mdl.3nov2008 (this is the date it was created)
and copied the LLO file as qts.mdl (this file was created 4oct2009).

I did the standard make qts, make install-qts, make install-daq-qts
and make install-screens-qts with no problems.

I then copied the medm files up from LLO. So everything in
/cvs/cds/llo/medm/l1/qts is a copy (orig saved as l1/qts_lho)

The new overview screen is working, and the DOF buttons open sub-screens
(see attached image)
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