Reports until 21:24, Wednesday 30 November 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:24, Wednesday 30 November 2011 (1812)
ITMy monolithic work
Sadecki, Bland
This morning, the 4 UIM and 4 PUM OSEMs were aligned and set to 50% OLV.  This took both of us, due to the inability to see the centering of all of the OSEMs with the FMy 6 inches away from the ITMy structure.
In the afternoon, Dennis, Doug, and Jason started IAS measurements of the ITMy relative to the ISI.  They determined that the ITMy is in-fact over 2mRad out of spec in yaw.  Documentation suggests that we should yaw the structure to reduce the error to ~1mRad before using the top stage yaw adjustment inside the suspension.  So, we pulled out and started building the QUAD pusher/mover assemblies to use tomorrow morning.