Reports until 08:31, Thursday 01 December 2011
richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:31, Thursday 01 December 2011 (1813)
FSS modulation depth
MichaelR, JanP, RickS

Yesterday, we measured the drive level to the FSS EOM.  Measuring directly with an oscilloscope with the input set at 50 ohms, we found the following:

Measured drive voltage into FSS EOM at 21.5 MHz
2.12 Vp-p

2.12/(2*sqrt(2)) = 750 mVrms

1 dBm = 1 mw into 50 ohms

P=V^2/R; V in rms
.75^2/50 = 0.0112 W -> 10.5 dBm

New Focus web site states 0.1-0.3 rad/V for Model 4003 modulators

2.12 Vp-p -> 1.06 Vp -> 0.106 - 0.318 modulation index, Gamma

Thus the ratio of the power in the first order sideband to that of the carrier will be between 0.0028 to 0.0259, i. e. the first order sidebands should be a factor of 355 to 39 times lower than the carrier.

We will measure the sideband-to-carrier ratio with the reference cavity soon.