Reports until 12:23, Thursday 01 December 2011
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:23, Thursday 01 December 2011 (1816)
H2 ITMY L2 (PUM) Open Light voltages
The same procedure for the H2 ITMY L1 Open Light voltages were recorded for the H2 ITMY L2 Open Light voltages. A 30-second average of the H2:SUS-ITMY_L2_OSEMINF_*_IN1_DQ channels with the tdsavg command-line tool was used to record their values.  Their values were halved, multiplied by (-1), and entered into the H2:SUS-ITMY_L2_OSEMINF_*_OFFSET channels.  The gains for these channels were calculated by normalizing the open light counts to 30,000cts.

Open Light (cts)
UL = 27204.7
LL = 17354.3
UR = 19496.5
LR = 20515.5

Offsets [-(open light)/2] (cts)
UL = -13602
LL = -8677
UR = -9748
LR = -10258

Gains [30000 / (open light)] 
UL = 1.103
LL = 1.729
UR = 1.539
LR = 1.462

Open Light counts after normalization [tdsavg] (should be ~15000)
UL = 14998.4
LL = 14997
UR = 14999.8
LR = 14993.3