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Reports until 12:14, Monday 04 May 2015
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:14, Monday 04 May 2015 (18207)
LHO SEI STS2-B Study Update

Attached are the series of plots: ASDs, Coherences, and TFs; for and between the three LVEA SEI STS2 instruments.

Last week I moved the STS2-B (ITMY) to concrete (References for it are the old unit on vinyl under the igloo.)

The current traces attached are from this morning at 0130pdt.  I had a problem with the calibration and units before, but getting that straight hasn't made answers to all the questions clear.

The three Z ASD are right on top of one another to below 20mHz.  The Y DOF ASDs are similar but they diverge below 40mHz.  For the X DOF, the HAM2 instrument seems the outlier diverting from the other ASDs as high as 90mHz whereas ITMY and HAM5 are hand in hand until 20mHz.

The Coherences look very good on Z, other DOFs are here and there.  Maybe as expect too, the Z TFs look great, and the other DOFs are 'it depends.'

I think we can say that the removed STS2 should go in for overhaul and the HAM2 machine should be huddle tested with one of the others.

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