Reports until 13:52, Thursday 07 May 2015
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:52, Thursday 07 May 2015 - last comment - 16:20, Thursday 07 May 2015(18305)
HAM2 STS2-A Sensor & Sat Cable moved to Beer Garden Area using diff Chassis to Sat BOx Cable

The Sensor was locked, moved, oriented, leveled, iglooized, on concrete, repowered and masses pushed.  Looks like it needs another push (manual says many pushes are sometimes required.)

There was some evidence that part of the cabling could be the problem we are seeing with the HAM2 STS.  This move will allow us to test the main house field cable.  We can still check the Sat Box and Cable by exchanging them for the B unit which appears good with the newly overhauled PEM Vault unit.  The Chassis can be check too, one step at a time.

Comments related to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 15:06, Thursday 07 May 2015 (18307)

The noise issue that has been troubling this machine is still with us--see attached.  The noise is marked.

The Satellite Cable (orange) and Box have now been swapped (HAM2 & ITMY) to see if the noise shifts.

Images attached to this comment
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 16:20, Thursday 07 May 2015 (18314)

Another look after swapping the satellite box and cable has the problem still with the seismometer.  I've now swapped (1615pdt) the signals going into the Interface Chassis.  Will check after a time.