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Reports until 12:02, Monday 05 December 2011
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:02, Monday 05 December 2011 (1831)
H2 SUS ITMY (Mono) -- 2011-12-02 Results for R0 (reaction chain)
J. Garcia, J. Kissel

Jeff G.'s taken another round of measurements after the following:
- The BSC-ISI is floating!
- After all (er most?) of IAS adjustments have been made
- Stiffening elements have been put on
- Vibration absorbers have been put on
- L1 (UIM) and L2 (PUM) OSEMs have been aligned, and masses have been re-balanced accordingingly
Results look really good! More analysis to come, but I attached the results. This chain has had no where near as much trouble as the main chain; any problems that we did have were focused on the stiffness of the reaction cabling. It looks like what we have in place now has been consistent and like the model for the past two measurements. As long as nothing changes (other than locking and unlocking before and after the cartridge install) I approve this chain!@
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