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Reports until 08:55, Friday 08 May 2015
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:55, Friday 08 May 2015 - last comment - 10:05, Friday 08 May 2015(18324)
STS2 A (HAM2) Update--Interface swap last night suggests Chassis problem

 Re Yesterday log on the STS2 work.

Last night I swapped the field cables for HAM2 and ITMY (A & B) STS2s at the interface chassis.  This morning the traces from all three STS2 look good.  See attached, the pink traces are references and notice the noise in the .5 to 5Hz area.  All the other traces are consistent--the coherence below is exactly the same story.  Since the signal from the HAM2 STS2 looked bad with two different cables, inferring the contacts have been worked a bit, this suggests the problem is more likely on the interface side of the connection.  I'm going to do some cable wiggling and switch them back this morning.

Thanks much to Robert Schofield for assistance & teaching.

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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 10:05, Friday 08 May 2015 (18326)

Uh boy...  Spent 10 minutes sitting at the interface wiggling the cable into the STS2-A chassis watching a real-time spectra and could not get the noise to show up again.

The cables are now swapped back putting the signals where they belong.  The STS2-A instrument is still in the BierGarten near STS2-B(ITMY/Vault machine.)  The satellite cable/box is still swapped and the field cable for STS2-A is the test cable.  Maybe later we'll restore everything back to home.  We may want to just do an in Shop check out of the STS2-A chassis.

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