Reports until 09:25, Wednesday 07 December 2011
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:25, Wednesday 07 December 2011 (1838)
HAM ISI Assy #1 Update & INVENTORY

(Corey, Eric, Greg, Jim, Mitch)

We have disassembled HAMISI#1 (which has an Optical Table S/N #004), and have been putting it back together for the last couple of weeks (HAMISI#3 is on the other Test Stand and is being tested by Hugo).  We are now at a point where we can start taking inventory of various parts for the assembly.  [Except for GS13's, we don't have GS-13's for this assembly]

Unfortunately, we failed to note some s/n's until after they were installed and they are in a state where getting their s/n's is just not possible (this is especially the case for the Flexures).  I looked at the original Pre-Integration document for HAMISI#1 when it was made back in June '10, but I wasn't able to find Flexure information there either.

With that, here is inventory information thus far:

Spring S/N's

Forgot to check S/N's for the Springs before the Optics Table was installed, but were able to see their numbers with the use of an inspection mirror.

Flexure S/N's

These Flexures were not assembled consistently convenient, in that 2of3 Flexures were installed upside-down (meaning, scribed s/n's are on the bottom of the Flexures and are now not very visible).  Tried using a mirror and flashlight to view the Flexures from under Stage1, but the Flexures are fairly high up, and the scribe marks are also hard to read.  With that, we can only say we have "best guesses" at s/n's for Corner 1 & 3.

Actuator S/N's:

There were no issues with installing the Actuators.  They are all torqued down to Stage1, and are not connected to Stage0.

Corner 1:

Corner 2:

Corner 3:

Sensor Head S/N's:

I'm a little confused at the inventory of the Sensors.  Looking at the document above, it looks like the order of the Sensors was V1,H1,V2,H2,V3,H3.  But we've apparently had a model change and have an order similar to the BSC:  H1,V1,H2,V2,H3,V3 (HAMISI#3 is already set like this).  However when I looked at the Sensor Assys, I saw that the Sensors were mounted in this order:  V1,H1,H2,V2,H3,V3 (!)

Not sure where this mix-up occurred, but I went ahead and swapped the Corner1 CPS's in their mounts so that we now have the correct order of:  H1,V1,H2,V2,H3,V3.  I did not make any change to the Boards in the rack, and the CPS's all match their Board.

Only able to install the horizontal CPS's.  The Target/dowel pin & the Target Mount is a tight connection, and it was found that some of these were very tight and needed alcohol to lubricate them.  This is not desirable for the Vertical CPS's because there's potential for alcohol to drip down on to the Target Face, and cause a "stain".  So, we decided to hold off installing these Sensors, and ream out the Target Mounts.

On the topic of marred Target Faces, we have found that most of our Target Faces are far from pristine.  There are noticeable marks from use of teflon to measure gaps, and just various marks from handling.  One of the Target Faces had some deep divets on it, and we decided to pull this Target Face out of use.  Hope marks on other Target Faces aren't detrimental to future operation.

At any rate, here is the inventory for CPS:

Corner 1:

Corner 2:

Corner 3:

GS13's S/N's:

Not available since we have no GS13's.


Current State:

We have also installed payload on this ISI, and it has been floated.  We are now in the process of shimming the Lockers.