Last night, I was getting ready to run a measurement for Vincent, but before running I happened to check channels and noticed some channels were zero at their inputs. I went to do a quick check of cable connections, and they looked connected at the Feedthru Interface. Not knowing what else to try, I killed/rebooted/started the isi system: everything came back including the zeroed channels. I've not seen this issue before. Any ideas on what's wrong (I'm attaching a snapshot of the sensors as they were on DV). Now I only looked at these sensors, and nothing else, so not sure if other channels have zeroes at their inputs. Sidenote: I tried killing scripts from the "isiham GDS CUST" medm window from the workstation in the Tech Lab, but it didn't work. The medm screen didn't go WHITE, and my mouse eventually became froze within an medm screen (I wasn't able to do anything on this I had to power it off via the power button).