Reports until 14:36, Saturday 16 May 2015
H1 ISC (DetChar, SUS)
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:36, Saturday 16 May 2015 - last comment - 14:40, Saturday 16 May 2015(18483)
ETMY, ETMX, and ITMX vs. a 9.83 [Hz] Bounce Mode
J. Kissel 

The message: I tried to improve the Bounce mode damping, I've installed some new filters; no change in the amount of damping for the bounce modes, and they haven't been cooled any more than when I got started. I've made no changes the guardian code, so in the next lock stretch my work will be erased / cleaned up (except for the new filters), and what used to be turned on turned on before today will be turned on again.

After spending an hour or so trying to get better results out of the installed bounce mode damping filters to no avail, I tried installing much more narrow band-pass filters. I did this because of Shiela's entry (LHO aLOG 18440) seemed to indicate we know the frequencies really well, and I could see what I thought was ETMX at 9.77 [Hz] interacting with what I thought was ITMX at 9.83 [Hz]. However, I found after exploring the parameter space (with gains and +/- 30 or 60 [deg] filters) with the more narrow filters, the situation got more confusing because the top mass of ETMY, ETMX, and ITMX would come in and out of showing 9.83 [Hz]. See for example the attached .pdf of the top mass vertical OSEMs for each. Yuck! After a while I convinced myself that having both IX and EX using the narrow band bp9.7-9.8 (in FM10 of IX and FM5 in EX) with a small gain of +0.1 and +0.05 and their normal -60 [deg] and +60 [deg] filters wasn't making it worse, but I couldn't get any improvement.

This mode interaction are stable / non-existent at low power, but as soon as we elevate to 23 [W], the MICH oscillation creeps in mentioned earlier today (LHO aLOG 18478) creeps in and breaks the lock.

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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 14:40, Saturday 16 May 2015 (18484)
I'm leaving the ISC_LOCK requested to be at LSC_FF, so hopefully the IFO will return to it's automatic locking of ~20-30 minute, ~55 [Mpc] lock stretches. The guardian will turn off the undisturbed bit when it looses lock, so I won't bother setting it as I leave this time.

Note that Robert's still here, and other than a trip to the Y-arm beam tubes between 12:30p and 1:30p PDT, he hasn't performed any injections (to my knowledge).