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Reports until 08:44, Wednesday 07 December 2011
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:44, Wednesday 07 December 2011 (1849)
16Hz noise due to h2fw0 framed data corruption

The problems with h2fw0 are more than it crashing every few hours. Some times it also glitches its framed data written to disk with a 16Hz square wave. Since this effect seems random on restart, the problem appears and disappears as h2fw0 restarts itself.

The problem is not seen in the secondary frame writer h2fw1 (whose data is served by h2nds1). Therefore for now we should only use h2nds1 to get archived frame data (h2nds1 is now the default NDS for dtt).

h2fw0's problem is only with data written to frames, any real-time testpoints or DQ channels obtained from h2nds0 do not show this noise.

We will investigate the problem further today.

Dave and Jim

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