Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 15:41, Tuesday 14 September 2010
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:41, Tuesday 14 September 2010 - last comment - 18:00, Tuesday 14 September 2010(185)
h1 daq raid ready for qfs
the SATABOY finally finished its RAID6 build at 15:00.
Dan noticed that the spare 2TB SATA drive was configured
as a global spare for the 64GB SSD drives as well! So 
we removed it from the global spare pool and added it to
the SATA RAID pool only.

I connected the Sun X4270 (frame writer) fibre channel
cards to the sataboy controllers. There are two FC cards
in the Sun and two controllers, so the connection is:

sun pci-e slot1 to controller 0 (left connector)
sun pci-e slot4 to controller 1 (left connector)

I've handed the system over the DCS for QFS install.

Dave, Greg, Dan
Comments related to this report
dan.moraru@LIGO.ORG - 18:00, Tuesday 14 September 2010 (186)
QFS is installed and configured with a 15.9TB (vs 16.3TB available) partition:

# mount LDAS/DCS filesystems
ln -s /net/dcs/export/ldcg_server/ldcg/opteron_sol10 /ldcg

# install QFS
lofiadm -a /net/dcs/export/mirror/sun/SAM-QFS-5.1/SUN_QFS_5.1.iso
mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/lofi/1 /mnt
pkgadd -d /mnt/x64/2.10
#The following packages are available:
#  1  SUNWqfsr       Sun QFS Solaris 10 (root)
#                    (i386) 5.1.4,REV=5.10.2010.04.05
#  2  SUNWqfsu       Sun QFS Solaris 10 (usr)
#                    (i386) 5.1.4,REV=5.10.2010.04.05
#  3  SUNWsamfsr     Sun SAM and Sun SAM-QFS software Solaris 10 (root)
#                    (i386) 5.1.4,REV=5.10.2010.04.05
#  4  SUNWsamfsu     Sun SAM and Sun SAM-QFS software Solaris 10 (usr)
#                    (i386) 5.1.4,REV=5.10.2010.04.05
#Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
#all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: 1,2
umount /mnt
lofiadm -d /dev/lofi/1

# add binaries and manpages to $PATH and $MANPATH
cat >> /etc/profile <<_EOF

# set global MANPATH
export MANPATH
cat >> /.profile <<_EOF

# disable all file system management
svcadm disable fsmgmt

# patch system
/ldcg/bin/patchreport -i

# update nfs/server svc manifest to enable proper QFS mounting and NFS sharing
svccfg export /network/nfs/server > /var/tmp/server.xml
# edit /var/tmp/server.xml
svccfg validate /var/tmp/server.xml
svcadm disable nfs/server
svccfg delete nfs/server
svccfg import /var/tmp/server.xml
svcadm enable nfs/server

# format disks, relabeling all with EFI labels
# initial dtsfw0 configuration:
#       0. c0t0d0 
#          /pci@0,0/pci8086,340c@5/pci1000,3150@0/sd@0,0
#       1. c4t6000402002F45FC666750C9500000000d0 
#          /scsi_vhci/disk@g6000402002f45fc666750c9500000000
#       2. c4t6000402002F45FC666750C9600000000d0 
#          /scsi_vhci/disk@g6000402002f45fc666750c9600000000
# final dtsfw0 configuration:
#       0. c0t0d0 
#          /pci@0,0/pci8086,340c@5/pci1000,3150@0/sd@0,0
#       1. c4t6000402002F45FC666750C9500000000d0 
#          /scsi_vhci/disk@g6000402002f45fc666750c9500000000
#       2. c4t6000402002F45FC666750C9600000000d0 
#          /scsi_vhci/disk@g6000402002f45fc666750c9600000000
# label type may be determined using prtvtoc
# SMI labels list the number of accessible cylinders
# EFI labels list the number of accessible sectors

# create /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf
# daq-h2-frames 300 ma daq-h2-frames -
# /dev/dsk/c4t6000402002F45FC666750C9600000000d0s0 301 mm daq-h2-frames -
# /dev/dsk/c4t6000402002F45FC666750C9500000000d0s0 302 mr daq-h2-frames -
# partitions must be less than 16TB

sammkfs -a 1152 daq-h2-frames
# from sammkfs manpage:
#     Data alignment refers to matching the allocation unit of the
#     RAID controller with the allocation_unit of the file system.
#     A mismatched alignment causes a read-modify-write operation
#     for I/O that is less than the block size.  The optimal
#     alignment formula is as follows:
#     allocation_unit = RAID_stripe_width * number_of_data_disks
#     For example, if a RAID-5 unit has a total of 8 disks with 1
#     of the 8 being the parity disk, the number of data disks is
#     7.  If the RAID stripe width is 64 kilobytes, then the
#     optimal allocation_unit is 64 * 7 = 448.

# add following to /etc/vfstab
#daq-h2-frames           -       /daq-h2-frames  samfs   -       samfs   -

# create mount point and mount
mkdir /daq-h2-frames
mount /daq-h2-frames

df -h daq-h2-frames
#Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
#daq-h2-frames           16T   1.1M    16T     1%    /daq-h2-frames
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.