Reports until 08:46, Wednesday 07 December 2011
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:46, Wednesday 07 December 2011 (1850)
X1SUSQUAD Test Stand Model now has updated TOP Channel Order
I've re-arranged the TOP input and output orders in the 
to obey the new convention, as per the latest version of the schematic, D080273. Any future QUADs attached to this test stand should have its TOP stages (M0 and R0) cabled up according to T1100327.

I've also modified the foton file (to include compensation filters for L1 and L2, that disappeared during the re-build process), which lives in
but has now been copied to

Further, I've modified the framebuilder's .ini file, such that all OSEMINF_*_OUT_DQ channels are stored in the frames (and removed/"un-stored" some unnecessary DAMP_*_OUT_DQs). This file lives in
but has now been copied to

All three files, the .mdl, .txt, and .ini, are commited to the userapps SVN as of rev 1554.

I've confirmed that all sensor channels are functional, the frame builder is green, and data can be taken via DTT in real time and the past. Whether the channel rearrangement was successful, is yet to be determined by actually plugging in OSEMs (but I'm 90% sure it worked).


- logged into bisbee / bscteststand2, and made sure the running version of the model had been committed to the svn (it had).
- svn up'd my local copy.
- Modified simulink model according to D080273, committed as a part of repo version 1552.
- svn up'd bisbee's copy
- logged into bscteststand2, used "cdsCode" alias to cd to proper build directory
- "make x1susquad" -- wait patiently for all the useful stuff, then all the garbage to pass by
- "make install-x1susquad" -- make sure I see at *least* two active channels -- but there was only two. Somehow the make process blew away whatever 
- The most recent .ini file with more than two channels? X1SUSQUAD_111128_104742.ini. Go figure. 
- cp /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/chans/daq/archive/X1SUSQUAD_111128_104742.ini /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/chans/daq/X1SUSQUAD.ini
- run inicheck on X1SUSQUAD.ini, seems to be OK, 72 active channels
- Restart framebuilder:
	- controls@suswork1:/opt/rtcds/tst/x1/chans/daq/$ telnet bscteststand2 8087
          Connected to bscteststand2.
          Escape character is '^]'.
          daqd> shutdown
          Connection closed by foreign host.
- Check frame builder status after restart,
 (This is 0x2000) 
- Hit DAQ Reload on GDS_TP screen, then restarted frame builder, worked this time
 (This is 0x0, and green)
- restarted newly installed fronted process, by logging into bscteststand2, and running
controls@bscteststand2 ~ $ startx1susquad
(Did this while watching GDS_TP screen, and hit the BURT button as soon as it became visible in order to trigger daqd, etc.)
- Found warning of "modified IIR file" on GDS_TP screen. Looked around, didn't see anything abnormal. Reloaded anyways. Found that L1 and L2 stages OSEMINFs were now missing.
- Added filters via copy and paste in foton, and reloaded coefficients.
- cp ${RTCDSROOT}/chans/X1SUSUQUAD.txt ${RTCDSROOT}/userapps/release/sus/x1/filterfiles/
  committed to SVN under rev 1553.
- Checked that OSEMINF_*_OUT_DQ channels were stored in frames via DTT. L1 and L2 stages were not stored, so modified .ini file to store L1_OSEMINF_*_OUT_DQs. Hit DAQ reload on GDS_TP, and restarted frame builder.
- cp ${RTCDSROOT}/chans/daq/X1SUSUQUAD.ini ${RTCDSROOT}/userapps/release/sus/x1/daqfiles/
  committed to SVN under rev 1554.
- Confirmed that all OSEMINF_*_OUT_DQs can be measured real time, using 
- Confirmed that all OSEMINF_*_OUT_DQs can be measured in the past (10 minutes), using 

Good to go!