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Reports until 17:40, Monday 18 May 2015
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:40, Monday 18 May 2015 (18503)
CDS summary, EX work

Jeff, Richard, Jim, Dave

WP 5205,5207

Today we performed the following upgrades at EX:

One of the new 18bit DACs caused problems when starting h1susex. At the point where the autocal should have completed, the front end computer froze up. We identifified the bad unit and replaced it with another new card which resolved the problem. The potentially bad card has S/N 101208-59 and was returned to the corner station for DTS testing.

The interface board on h1seiex had a connector issue when the old DC power supply was disconnected. We exchanged it with the I/F board from the DTS x1sush34 unit (a tried and tested board).

The DAC card layout in h1susex did not provide enough room for the new DC power supply. We shifted the DAC cards to the left (as seen from front of unit), and while diagnosing other issues moved all DACs to higher slot numbers than the one ADC card. We may undo this and keep the DACs in a block of five.

here is the current card layout for h1susex:

slot U 0-1 1-5 1-4 1-3 1-8 1-7 1-6 1-2 1-1 2-5 2-4 2-3 2-8 2-7 2-6 2-2 2-1
content nu BIO BIO E ADC-1 E DAC2 DAC1 E E DAC5 DAC4 DAC3 E PWR E bio E

Where: U=unused, nu=not used, BIO=64,64 Binary IO, E=Empty, bio=16,16 Binary IO, PWR=new DC power supply

We also experienced startup issues with the Dolphin network. We tried power cycling the switch, but restarting the Dolphin manager and then restarting the front ends resolved the issue.

We had to start_streamers on the Dolphin machines as well to sync up the DAQ.

At this point in time all is running at EX, the only problem is h1seiex has a run away IRIG-B which may take several hours to come back down.

Jeff activated the HEPI, ISI and SUS systems at EX, all is operational.

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