Reports until 08:34, Thursday 08 December 2011
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:34, Thursday 08 December 2011 (1851)
HAMISI#1: Balancing, Locker Shims, Locker Horizontal Position, & Actuator Alignment

Here is work from Wed....

Vertical Adjustment of Shims

Tues night, we found the tips of the Springs to be higher than the base of the Springs.  So, the 0.126" Shims under the Lockers were swapped out for thinner Shims.   This brought the tip/base Spring difference to around our tolerance of 0.015".  The ISI was then balanced.

Current Locker Shims:

Horizontal Adjustment of Shims

With the dial indicators, we were able to monitor float/locked positions of ISI.  Horizontally, we saw an overall counterclockwise twist (saw dial indicator changes on the order of 0.007-0.018".  So, we went about re-positioning the Locker Bases. 

(I'm noting procedure here mainly for my own records)The ISI was unlocked, the Dial Indicators (DI) were zeroed.  Then at ONE Locker, we loosened the Base bolts & Locked the locker.  Due to friction/sticking between the Locker Base and the Stage0 floor, you will probably see some Stage1 motion.  If you do, just tap on the Locker Base to free up your Base & to keep your DI at zero.  Once the Locker is locked, and the DI says zero, one can start tightening the Locker Base to Stage0.  Unlock the Locker (rezero DI if needed), and re-Lock, and confirm the change in state is within 1-2 thousandsths.  Repeat for remaining three Lockers.  After we did this, when we re-locked the system it did so without binding up the 4th Locker---a good thing.

For the most part we are mostly done with this ISI, EXCEPT, it was noticed the installed-Actuators aren't "aligned".  When they were removed off the ISI, they first had their Set-Up Bars installed to "lock" their alignment.  Either they weren't aligned before, or they Set Up Bars weren't installed correctly, and we've lost their alignment.  Each Actuator will need to be pulled off, re-aligned on a work bench, and then reinstalled.