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Reports until 16:53, Wednesday 07 December 2011
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:53, Wednesday 07 December 2011 (1854)
Noise in Staging Building Satellite Box Part II
   The EE shop found no gross problems with the staging building satellite box (see aLOG #1845), which was showing a noise spike at 55Hz on channel 1 and generally elevated noise levels on channel 3. Dave did find a couple of questionable solder joints, so he gave the box a going over and re-soldered connections as necessary. This removed all noise issues with this satellite box. A second satellite box was also showing some noise around 55Hz on channel 2. Dave in the EE shop re-soldered the connections in this satellite box, which also removed the noise. Both boxes are back in the test stand and functioning normally
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.