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Reports until 12:56, Friday 22 May 2015
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:56, Friday 22 May 2015 (18584)
summary of 18bit DAC card problems

Richard, Jim, Dave:

there have been some swapping of modified 18bit DAC cards as problems were found during this week's upgrade, I wanted to give a summary of what happened and where we currently stand.

Prior to this week, 5 DACs (chosen at random) were tested in the DTS. It was found that card 101208-05 fails autocal, which it did prior to the upgrade, and has remained in the DTS throughout this week.

Monday, in h1susex, it was found that if card 101208-59 was in the chassis the code would not run. This card is waiting for further tests and not in any system.

Tuesday we installed EY and corner station. We thought we had enough cards to update all BSC and HAM in the corner station if we skipped h1sush2b (two cards) and we used all five cards from the DTS. This would entail using the card which fails autocal, but Jeff and Dan said that could be used for the OMC. But, we found that one of the new cards was flagged with a potential capacitor problem (card 110425-19) so we abandoned that plan and decided instead to not update h1sush56 (five cards) but instead update h1sush34 (six cards) and h1sush2b (two cards). This meant taking three cards from the DTS, leaving it with two (one good, one bad-autocal).

On Thursday we found a bad channel on a DAC in h1sush2a (stuck output). This card (101208-44) was pulled from h1sush2a and the one remaining good card from the DTS was used to replace it. The stuck output card is waiting further tests and not in any system.

On Friday we discovered a non-linear output problem with the first card in h1susey (card 101208-78). The suspect capacitor card was inspected and then used to replace it in h1susey. The non-linear cad is waiting further tests and not in any system.

So five cards with issues, they are

101208-59 code wont run with this card installed in hand waiting testing
101208-05 fails autocal being tested in DTS x1susex
110425-19 suspect capacitor running in h1susey
101208-78 non-linear output in hand waiting testing
101208-44 stuck output voltage in hand waiting testing
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