Reports until 04:45, Thursday 08 December 2011
michael.landry@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:45, Thursday 08 December 2011 (1861)
Towards cartridge insertion at BSC8
Steady progress is being made towards cartridge insertion at BSC8, likely late this week Thu/Fri.  Items underway include:

-The cleanroom at BSC8 was swapped out for the shorter, modified variant.  We had neglected to account for a known interference, that of the gate valve stem (and box works mounted there), when lowering the cleanroom to fly the cartridge and center over BSC8.  The shorter extent (as aligned along the Y beam axis) allows for the cleanroom to be lowered without interfering with the gatevalve.  Small modifications to the work platform/railing were made to limit interference there as well.

-At the y-manifold/cryo pump area, the H1/H2 optical lever piers and table, and TCS laser were removed, and plumbing under the beamtube modified (TCS chiller lines removed, purge air modified) for clear access.  De-installation here allowed for the arrival of cleanroom, cleaning of the area, and eventual spool extraction.  The driver is the vacuuming of the y-manifold, part of the in-chamber cleaning effort, intended to limit a particulate source near the recently brushed and cleaned BSC8.  Vacuuming is to take place prior to cartridge insertion.

-At the cartridge test stand #2, SEI software transfer functions completed and the ISI was locked up, and final power spectra obtained.  Both suspensions remain unlocked.  In an effort to pulse and vet the ESD cabling, we removed an iLIGO feedthru from HAM8 with the appropriate connector type; this failed as described in R. Abbott's earlier alog, and will require an in situ retrofit of the ESD cabling (a limited run from the feedthru to a connection point affixed to the ISI)