Reports until 21:39, Tuesday 26 May 2015
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:39, Tuesday 26 May 2015 (18639)
Cal Team Day 1 Debriefing
D. Gustafson, K. Izumi, S. Karki, J. Kissel, R. Savage, D. Tuyenbayev

Stay tuned for more details on each, but since we have so little time during these three days we're taking the "take the measurement now, look at it enough to know *you're* happy, *then* think and document it once we don't have any more time" approach, so please be patient if our aLOGging falls behind our activities. As such, I'm going to try and keep up with this daily "debriefing" so at least all are aware of our progress.

We've begun this week's calibration measurement's by doing the most invasive stuff first:
K. Izumi, D. Gustafson 
     - Made electronics measurements necessary to use the ALS DIFF VCO as a calibrated frequency actuator and compare line(s) generated by this VCO against ESD calibration lines in the DARM ASD to assess QUAD's actuation strength. See LHO aLOG 18634.

J. Kissel, R. Savage, S. Karki, D. Tuyenbayev
     - Made SR785 measurements of all elements of the EY PCAL electronics chain, including the AA, AI, and full RX (reflection off of the test mass PD) and TX (a PD picking-off of the power transmitted into the test mass) that includes the PCAL interface chassis, similar to what has been done at LLO (see, e.g. LLO aLOGs 18106, 18199, 18309).

Goals for tomorrow:
K. Izumi (and whomever's willing to help)
     - Get a free-swinging Michelson measurement of all stages of the ETMY's actuators that are involved in the hierarchy

J. Kissel, S. Karki
     - Finish straight-forward electronics measurements for ETMX PCAL (i.e. the same that were done today at EY)

R. Savage, D. Tuyenbayev
     - Stay at EY and compare PCAL PDs against other broad-band PDs to assess frequency response of PCAL PDs.