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Reports until 13:16, Friday 09 December 2011
Logbook Admin Feature Requests
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:16, Friday 09 December 2011 - last comment - 17:23, Tuesday 13 December 2011(1882)
Should be able to link to comments
Main entries have a link in the upper right corner such that one can provide direct links to log entries in emails, etc. This should also be the case for comments. Perhaps it's best if the link takes you to a page that has both the main entry, the comment itself, and any other comments associated with that entry (I fear that a direct link would show *only* the comment on the resulting page, like it does for the main entries -- I don't want this, it's imperative to see the context of the comment). However, the comment should somehow be highlighted to show that "it's *this* comment I wanted to show you."

On a related note, if you try to link directly to a comment by replacing the "callRep" at the end of any normal entry's URL for with one for a comment the page turns up blank.

i.e. Take the URL for entry 1874,

and replace the callRep for the corresponding comment to that entry,

and you get zilch.

Comments related to this report
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 17:23, Tuesday 13 December 2011 (1901)

This is implemented in test test aLOG.  It will be moved to production in the next few days.
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