Reports until 19:52, Thursday 04 June 2015
robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:52, Thursday 04 June 2015 - last comment - 09:53, Friday 05 June 2015(18877)
Tuning of PSL jitter coupling

I injected pitch (270 Hz) and yaw (280 Hz) lines with the PSL piezo mirror and then tried to minimize them in DARM by adjusting values of the offsets of DOF2P and DOF1Y of the IMC WFS.  It was a bit tricky because of ten-minute alignment time scales. But we reduced the injected pitch peak height by a factor of 2, and the yaw by 5 (we cared most about yaw because the PSL jitter peaks are mainly in yaw).  The inspiral range increased by a few Mpc and the jitter peaks seemed down by a factor of a few, but I will wait until tomorrow to put in spectra in order to be sure that the improvement is stable. DOF2P was changed from 135.9 to 350 and DOF1Y from 47.5 to 200. I think we could do better with another 2 hours.

Robert, Kiwamu, Evan

Comments related to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 09:53, Friday 05 June 2015 (18892)

This change now shows in the ASCIMC SDF Table.