Reports until 21:42, Monday 12 December 2011
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:42, Monday 12 December 2011 (1894)
H2 Racks moved to H2EE building

Richard, Cyrus, Jim,  Greg, Dan, Ken, Dave

We moved the DAQ rack from the computer users room and the two H2 racks from the MSR to the new H2EE building. Networking (CDS and GC) and IRIG-B cables were installed. The MSR Sataboy RAID for h2fw1 and its fiber channel switches were also moved from the MSR.

All systems were powered up with the exception of the primary frame writer h2fw0. On first inspection all system appear to be operational apart from the LDAP server. Items to be completed are the connection of the LDAS fibre optics switches, the primary frame writer, the LDAP server and the tape backup system.