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Reports until 07:43, Tuesday 09 June 2015
H1 INJ (DetChar, INJ)
peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:43, Tuesday 09 June 2015 - last comment - 14:01, Tuesday 09 June 2015(19006)
First test of detchar 'safety' injections
Peter Shawhan, Andy Lundgren, Nutsinee Kijbunchoo

We did a first -- and successful! -- test of the "detchar" or "safety" hardware injections shortly after 6:00 PDT this morning, at the time recommended by Jeff (work permit 5262).

The detchar injections are a sequence of loud sine-gaussians at a range of frequencies, primarily intended to check for couplings from the GW strain channel to auxiliary channels.  (See https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-G1500713 .)  For now, at least, we are using a set of 14 frequencies logarithmically spaced from 30 Hz to 2000 Hz, each injected at 3 different amplitudes to try to get target SNR values, spaced 5 seconds apart.  Here is the full list with times relative to the start time of the injection:
Matlab> GenerateSGSequence('H1','H1_ASD_at_1117710916.txt');
__time__   __freq__   __SNR__    __AMP__
    0.50       30.0      25.0    2.22e-20
    5.50       41.4      25.0    7.54e-21
   10.50       57.2      25.0    2.86e-21
   15.50       79.1      25.0    1.72e-21
   20.50      109.2      25.0    1.52e-21
   25.50      150.9      25.0     1.7e-21
   30.50      208.4      25.0    1.97e-21
   35.50      287.9      25.0    2.92e-21
   40.50      397.7      25.0    3.73e-21
   45.50      549.3      25.0    5.42e-21
   50.50      758.8      25.0    6.95e-21
   55.50     1048.2      25.0     1.1e-20
   60.50     1447.9      25.0    1.71e-20
   65.50     2000.0      25.0    2.68e-20
   70.50       30.0      50.0    4.44e-20
   75.50       41.4      50.0    1.51e-20
   80.50       57.2      50.0    5.71e-21
   85.50       79.1      50.0    3.44e-21
   90.50      109.2      50.0    3.03e-21
   95.50      150.9      50.0    3.41e-21
  100.50      208.4      50.0    3.94e-21
  105.50      287.9      50.0    5.85e-21
  110.50      397.7      50.0    7.47e-21
  115.50      549.3      50.0    1.08e-20
  120.50      758.8      50.0    1.39e-20
  125.50     1048.2      50.0     2.2e-20
  130.50     1447.9      50.0    3.41e-20
  135.50     2000.0      30.0    3.22e-20
  140.50       30.0     100.0    8.88e-20
  145.50       41.4     100.0    3.02e-20
  150.50       57.2     100.0    1.14e-20
  155.50       79.1     100.0    6.87e-21
  160.50      109.2     100.0    6.06e-21
  165.50      150.9     100.0    6.81e-21
  170.50      208.4     100.0    7.87e-21
  175.50      287.9     100.0    1.17e-20
  180.50      397.7     100.0    1.49e-20
  185.50      549.3     100.0    2.17e-20
  190.50      758.8     100.0    2.78e-20
  195.50     1048.2     100.0    4.41e-20
  200.50     1447.9      75.0    5.12e-20
  205.50     2000.0      30.0    3.22e-20
The file, on h1hwinj, is /data/scirun/O1/HardwareInjection/Details/config/Burst/Waveform/detchar_1117890580_3_H1.txt . With H1 running in good low-noise mode, Nutsinee switched the intent bit to 'commissioning' and we first injected the sequence starting at 1117890580 with an overall scale factor of 0.25 -- so the target SNRs/amplitudes are a factor of 4 smaller than in the table above. Nutsinee didn't see anything obvious appearing in the live spectrum initially, but Andy looked at Omicron output afterward and say that it had picked up at least some of the louder signals. We then injected the sequence again starting at 1117891250, this time with an overall scale factor of 1.0 . Nutsinee saw the signals clearly peak up in the live spectrogram, and Andy's quick check with Omicron showed many signals found with large SNR. The interferometer appeared to handle the injections fine, staying in lock. Afterward (and also in between the two injections), Nutsinee set the intent bit back to 'science'. Note: In the future, we expect detchar safety injections such as these to be marked with the DetChar bit in the CAL-INJ_ODC bitmask, but for the test today we treated it as a burst injection -- it will be marked in ODC (and GDS-CALIB_STATE) as a burst injection, and should produce ODC-INJECTION_BURST segments in the DQ segment database.
Comments related to this report
andrew.lundgren@LIGO.ORG - 12:01, Tuesday 09 June 2015 (19019)DetChar, INJ
I've done a few checks of the injections. The first attachment is the spectrum before the first injections were started compared to the spectrum just after the last one finished. The spectrum is the same before as after, so I don't think anything got rung up. Maybe we can check the violin modes more carefully. There was a fairly big glitch two minutes later (Omega scan) but I don't think it was related.

The other four attachments are the injections of the first round of the injection set, done at normal gain. These are meant to have SNR of about 25, but that varies with the spectrum. Most look fine. However, the injections at 1 kHz and above are not correct. They look to be anti-aliased down, or maybe there's a saturation or something wrong with the actuation. We'll check our code to see if there's something wrong with the file we generated.
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peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - 14:01, Tuesday 09 June 2015 (19028)DetChar, INJ
When Andy presented this on the ER7 call and talked about the higher-frequency injections not appearing correctly, Jeff asked if we were hitting the software limit at +-200 counts.  That limit had been set based on some CBC injection studies; we don't really know the level at which unavoidable saturation in the software or hardware chain would set in.  Duncan M quickly confirmed that the H1:CAL-INJ_HARDWARE_OUT_DQ channel was hitting +-200 for some of the injections.  I took a look too and estimated what SNR value hits that software limit:
 At 549 Hz,  SNR=80  hits 200 counts
   759 Hz   SNR=33
  1048 Hz   SNR=10.4
  1448 Hz   SNR<6.25  (saturated even for the weakest one we injected)
  2000 Hz   SNR<6.25  (saturated even for the weakest one we injected)
So this tells us how much that (currently rather arbitrary) software limit would need to be relaxed to put in larger-SNR injections at those higher frequencies, if it's important to do so.
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