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Reports until 18:26, Thursday 11 June 2015
H1 General (CAL, DetChar, INJ, PEM)
vernon.sandberg@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:26, Thursday 11 June 2015 (19085)
End of ER7 and Guidelines for finishing the run

from Corey, Janeen, Gary, and Vern


Today, in consultation with the Joint Run Planning Committee of the LVC, the following timetable for concluding ER7 was settled upon.

    The end date of focused data taking was 2015 June 11 8:00 am PDT.
    The end date of ER7 is 2015 June 14 8:00 am PDT.

Between these dates H1 and L1 will be run in a best-effort mode to have coincident locks, with intent bits set (getting us closer to and maybe surpassing the 48hr CBC target); however, they will share the time with the following invasive measurements that have been deemed as critical before the end of ER7:

    PEM Injections (H1 [Schofield] & L1)
    Stochastic Burst Injection (H1 [Kissel] & L1)
    Calibrations (H1 [Kissel] & L1)
    Guardian (L1) and Opportunistic Commissioning (L1 and H1)

All but the Stochastic Burst injections do not require coincident locks and their proposers have been encouraged to wait for a loss of lock by one of the IFOs before starting their activities.  Once begun, they should be carried to completion to a degree reasonably possible.  We expect quiet coincident times to be available in the late evening and early morning hours and the opportunities for invasive measurements to be more likely during the daytime hours. The Stochastic injections will have to be done when the proposers are ready and the IFOs locked.  The intent bits should be unset during the injections.


Nothing is totally set in stone, BUT if one of these items is scheduled to happen, it will happen (even if there is double-coincidence!).  For example, if one of the above is scheduled to happen and that person comes to you to say they are ready:

    Ask for an estimate of how long they'll be
    Call the LLO Control Room (225.686.3131) & let the Operator know how long H1 will be down
    Change Intent to Commissioning
    End lock of H1, if asked to.  (Is there a preferred way to take H1 down?)
    Make a note of this activity in the ALOG


Others may be more flexible with when they can start their work and may choose to do so at an opportunistic time (i.e. H1 [or L1] is DOWN).  In this case, do the same steps as noted above.

LLO Calls To Say L1 Will Be Down:

If L1 calls in to say they will be down to work on one of the activities above, it's up to local staff and you (the on-shift operator) to determine how to proceed.  Since we won't have double-coincidence, then we should jump on an opportunity to complete one of the above tasks.  So make an announcement to those who might be interested (i.e. Robert or Jeff) if they're in the Control Room.  If they're not in the Control Room, send an email to them (they'll likely be keeping an eye on the Summary Pages, too).  If there are no takers for H1, you can leave the Intent as Undisturbed.


This is a new state for running in ER7, and coordination between sites is paramount.  So please don't hesitate to talk to the LLO Operator!


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