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Reports until 11:03, Thursday 18 June 2015
madeline.wade@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:03, Thursday 18 June 2015 (19219)
GDS calibration filters for ER7 - Updated and corrected!
We found an error in the GDS calibration filters originally generated for ER7 and discussed in LHO alog #18813.  Originally, we had double compensated for the AI filter in the actuation chain and the AA filter and OMC whitening poles in the sensing chain.  This was corrected on June 4, 2015 (at GPS time 1117505816) and new plots of the filters are attached.  The new filters file is located in the calibration SVN: aligocalibration/trunk/Runs/ER7/GDSFilters/H1GDS_1117505690.npz.
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