Reports until 14:36, Friday 03 July 2015
nicolas.smith@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:36, Friday 03 July 2015 - last comment - 15:28, Monday 27 July 2015(19440)
BS Butterfly Ringdown measurement

(evan jenne nic)

Evan said that the Q of the BS butterfly hadn’t yet been measured.

We let the system alone for 10 minutes in DRMI and analyzed the ringdown. The biggest SNR was in the PRCL error signal.

The resonance frequency is 2449Hz, the Q factor is (5.6 pm 0.2) 	imes 10^{6}. This means a time constant of 12 minutes.

Ringdown with fit is atached.

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nicolas.smith@LIGO.ORG - 15:28, Monday 27 July 2015 (19969)

(script attached)

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