Reports until 22:02, Tuesday 20 December 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:02, Tuesday 20 December 2011 (1946)
BSC8 SUS Status
To facilitate the IAS measurements this afternoon, I unclamped the ITMy and then barely pushed the lower line stops back up to just-touching the ITMy barrel.  I also pushed the top PUM barrel stops in to just-touching.  I left the ITMy SUS in this state in hopes that these stops would provide a bit of friction during any HEPI moves subsequent to today's measurements (although Hugh assures me that the motion felt by the ITMy will be very slow and smooth).  The reaction chain and FMy are still clamped.

Other small items not yet in the log:
Greg and I pulled the manifold barrier down which was left from the cleaning crew.  It was blocking the IAS view of ITMy.  We set it in the tube propped up against the side, but leaving a clear shot for IAS to the ITMy.  AOS is considering using the barrier when bringing in baffle hardware later this week.

Also, the last of my in-chamber FMy cables looks to have been restored to it's bracket and mating connector (after an end-to-end flip was made in order to mate to the feed-thru).  So, I suppose the FMy chassis can be powered up as well.