Reports until 15:55, Tuesday 07 July 2015
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:55, Tuesday 07 July 2015 (19462)
Daily Ops Log

All Times in UTC:

14:45 Jeff B out to LVEA to move cleanrooms

15:15 Andres out to LVEA to join Jeff

15:26 Karn and Christina to EY

15:36 Joe into LVEA to check on orklift batteries, Fire Extinguishers, eye-wash stations...etc

15:45 Hugh into the Bier Garden

15:47 Kyle to EY

15:52 Bubba goin to MX and EX

15:56 Karen and Christina leaving EY

16:07 Hugh out of LVEA and heading to EXto replace T240 with STS2.  Back at 17:59.

16:16 Fil out to Ends to do P-Cal power (both) and magnetometer power for Jordan at EY

16:26 Betsy and Travis out to the LVEA to check for post-vent fodder.

16:39 Andres out

16:46 Jeff B out

17:02  Leaving EX cristina & karen 

17:25  Restarting all SEI Models (Kissel)

17:30  Praxair called in to say a truck will be on-site in 15min (for "379" which is MX's CP6) & he mentioned that another truck will be heading to "380" (which is EX's CP8).

17:40  Noticed Beckhoff at EX went down, need to figure out how to remote login and restart.

17:53  pemmx rcg upgrade & pulling a card as well (Dave)

18:05  Continuing Vent clean up in the Cleaning Room (Betsy)

18:06  Heading into LVEA  for hose (Joe)

18:10  TCS Chassis Install at EX & then to EY (Sudarshan, Vinny, & Jordan)

18:20  Gerardo said to keep an eye on EY pressure---any alarm for pressure increase 

18:22  Gerardo on top of HAM6 (for how long?)

18:27  Kyle opening GV5 & GV7

18:38 Sudarshan turning on P-Cal LASER at EX

18:48 Fill reported back from Ends

18:49 Joe into LVEA 

18:50 DAQ restart

19:13 Sheila heading to EX to restart slow controls computer

19:28 Kyle out of LVEA. GV 5,7 are now opened.

19:35 Sheila back from EX

19:48 Fill called from EX. Continuing work for PEM

19:51 Sudarshan back from EX

20:03 Dave re-boot  somthing at EY

20:30 Kyle, John & Gerardo to EY to valve in NEG and valve out Turbo

21:15 John called from EY. Arm is open and Gauges are reading inconsistently. (2orders of magnitude)

21:19 Jordan and Vinny to EY WP 5336

21:20 Katie to EY, Mangetomoeter calibration.

21:21 Fil called from EY. While doing cabling, accidentally disconnected  12V oscillator source.

22:11 Nutsinee out to HAM4 to adjust alignment on HWS table

22:44 Dave and Jim at MX. Took PEM down to remove 18bit DAC.

22:47 Ellie out o HWS table to assist Nutsi

22:48 Jeff K, TJ and Leo to EX to debug ESD issue.